Are you joining us for Fixing the future at the CCCB in Barcelona on 7-8 June? As if 53 ‘FutureHero’ speakers wasn’t enough, we’re offering eight screenings and interactive workshops that let you get up close and personal with our themes of biodiversity, oceans, food and farming, cities and the climate crisis.
Let us transport you from from Peru to Indonesia via Barcelona in the year 2093…

⚡1. Guardians of the Forest: short film screening

Get lost amongst the trees
Indigenous peoples are the best guardians of the forest: they make up 5% of the world’s population but safeguard 80% of its biodiversity (World Bank, 2016). As nations struggle to meet the Paris Agreement targets, indigenous peoples and the forests they protect are a ready-made solution to the climate and ecological crisis. Despite this environment defenders often face criminalisation and in 2017 more than 200 defenders were killed. Watch a series of short films from If Not Us Then Who? exploring these issues from tropical forest regions in Latin America and Indonesia.
The screening includes a special Q&A (Spanish only) with Larry Salomon, a young indigenous lawyer of the Mayangna nation from Awas Tingni, Nicaragua. Larry is currently studying International Law in Bilbao.
► 7 June: 10.00-11.00 (English) and 19.00-20.00 (Spanish) and 8 June: 09.30-10.30 (English) and 17.30-19.00 with special Q&A (Spanish)
⚡2. The making of The Zone of Hope: screening and Q&A

See Barcelona as you’ve never seen it before
The Zone of Hope (TZOH) is an experience that enables us to personally feel the effects of climate change. Through immersive extreme technology, unique in Europe, visitors – 37,000 to date – have experienced what future generations will have to deal with if we do not stop climate breakdown. TZOH is an unprecedented project, combining awareness, commitment, innovation, and above all, hope, with an urgent call to action. See behind the scenes and learn how the experience was created – plus take part in a special Q&A with Elisabet Bergés Franco, Strategy and Sustainability expert at Aigües de Barcelona.
► 7 June: 13.00-14.00 (Catalan)
⚡3. Mapping air quality at street level with Aytor Naranjo, Lobelia Earth

It’s getting hot in here
Have you ever wondered about the air you breathe on your doorstep? In this workshop, Lobelia Earth‘s Aytor will show the air quality map of Barcelona at street level, providing an urban x-ray of the hotspots, the impact of traffic, energy production and waste management. Our state-of-the-art technology combines observations, satellite and traffic data: find out how this can encourage society to improve significantly air quality in our cities. Throughout the event, come and play with our interactive air quality map – look for the Lobelia screen.
► 7 June: 15.15-15.45 (Spanish)
⚡4. Sapiens workshop, Gabriel Bartra, Content Director, El Bulli Foundation

Beyond gastonomy to understand products
Sapiens is a new approach to innovation, professional development and education, born out of the ground-breaking work of Ferran Adria at el Bulli. In this interactive one-hour workshop, Gabriel Bartra explains the Sapiens methodology and how you can apply it beyond gastronomy in any field. You will discover Bullipedia resources that can support your lifelong learning journey and help grow the impact of your work.
► 7 June: 16.00-17.00 (Spanish)
⚡5. ‘On the table’, Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona

Photo: Albert Pons
A participatory experience where food and politics share a meal and invite you to rethink and act for a fairer, more sustainable and healthier food system. Food is personal and we know that the personal is political. The PEMB presents the Food Charter of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, a framework of strategy and action to lay claim to food as a universal right.
► 7 June: 17.30-19.00 (Catalan and Spanish)
⚡6. TastEd workshop with Bee Wilson

Photo: Akira Suemori
Can you hear a tomato? Feel a peach? TastEd is a new way of learning about food for young children. Based on the Sapere method from the Nordic countries, TastEd classes focus on getting children to use their senses to learn to love new flavours and build a lifetime of healthy and diverse preferences. TastEd founder and author of six best-selling books, Bee will be leading a fun workshop demonstrating how the method works. Come and try some TastEd activities – with each of your senses.
► 8 June: 11.00-12.00 (English and Catalan)
⚡7. Get into action about climate change

… and help others to do so too!
Want to do more about climate change, or learn how to stay positive about what you’re already doing? Want the tools to get other people to act too? Climate Change Coaches will be running an upbeat, practical workshop to teach you how to coach yourself and influence others so that we can all feel more capable about our environmental challenge and get into the kind of action that makes a difference.
► 8 June: 12.45-14.15 (English)
⚡8. Narratives on migration workshop, Eva Garzón, Global Displacement Lead, Oxfam Intermon

Reduce the vulnerability of migrants and refugees
Understanding perceptions and language around migration is key to setting the terms of the public debate on climate migration. This Oxfam Intermon workshop will explore how current narratives risk aggravating rather than reducing the vulnerability of migrants and refugees, and polarising society further. We will look at climate-induced migrations and how these movements are portrayed in the media and seen by society. We will collectively explore and assess recommendations and tools to develop and disseminate a more positive narrative, based on evidence and values.
► 8 June: 16.15-17.15 (Spanish)

Atlas Editor Lisa is feeling all the hope
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