Part of the problem with the investment industry is that it has been very backward-looking. But there is a bunch of people who are concerned about building a financial system that can deliver the future we want.
Ten years on from the global financial crisis, our partners at Project Breakthrough brought together a group of the leading figures in sustainable finance to ask: what’s next? Can finance do a Tesla and change from critical mess to critical mass?
“After doing what I have done for 25 years, I am as pissed off now as I was when I started by the inequality and the injustice and the fight,” explains Mark Campanale, Founder of the Carbon Tracker Initiative. “In fact, I am probably more pissed off.”
Watch ► This is ‘Breakthrough Money’ – as produced by Atlas of the Future.
Organised by sustainability think tank and advisory firm Volans as part of Project Breakthrough, Breakthrough Money is part of a series of carefully curated convenings of influencers, innovators and thought leaders. For more information on future Basecamps, please get in touch.
AtlasAction: Use this hashtag to learn more about #BreakthroughMoney
AtlasVideo: Watch our interview with TransferWise founder Taavet Hinrikus, The Robin Hood of Currency Exchange
AtlasRead: Richard Roberts’ Medium piece ‘Reorienting financial flows: the $12 trillion question’