“When you need a doctor, you phone someone, when you are in trouble, you phone someone. If you want to find out the prices for your crops in the nearest market, you phone someone.”
Mobile phones are increasing their penetration, but it’s common for farmers in rural India or Africa to travel for hours to reach the nearest town to charge them or get connectivity. So, how do you get power to the people who need it most?
That’s the challenge award-winning designer Daniel Becerra and his team have set out to solve: “Design can make the world a better place,” he explains. In the case of BuffaloGrid, it’s bringing power to those living off-grid.
Watch ► BuffaloGrid delivers free portable power hubs where the streets have no names.
AtlasAction: If you want to run a BuffaloGrid network or open new rural markets through the BuffaloGrid Hub, get in touch.
This video was produced by Atlas of the Future for Project Breakthrough (United Nations Global Compact/ Volans). Check out our other videos here. Comment below to get an Atlas avatar.