The urban gardening revolution

Urban Green Club
Spain (Granada)

Driven by a firm commitment to create greener cities and a more sustainable future, Urban Green Club designs, manufactures and sets up urban gardens, leading the human facilitation process necessary for the success of each project. This young initiative uses mobile gardening modules and domestic composting devices as means for social impact.

“This transition must take place in each and every citizen’s home, as well as in schools, businesses and public institutions.” Nico Gemio.

Urban Green Club business objective is the Common Good. This means that economic benefit is a means –rather than an end– towards social transformation. The project follows the design of operations and strategies according to the framework of the Economy of the Common Good, which prioritises values – such as transparency, ecology, social justice – in relationships with suppliers, workers, the local community and other stakeholders involved in any way in their daily activity.

In addition, they want to go beyond ‘social responsibility’ and make their business philosophy a benchmark for other industries, coining their approach as civic entrepreneurship, which is aimed at generating systemic change.

In the long term, Urban Green Club aims to expand operations internationally and replicate their methodology throughout Europe, giving other young entrepreneurs the opportunity to become local leaders and to propel their communities into the future.

Submitted by

Caitlin O'Rorke

Written by

Nico Gemio (18 July 2020)

Project leader

Nico Gemio, co-founder

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  1. Samuel GM

    Amazing work – looking forward to see how it grows and develops in the future!

  2. Nico Gemio

    Thank you for featuring us!

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