USA (Palo Alto)
This is the obvious front-runner. Elon Musk and his gang of geniuses are changing the world at a rate the rest of us are still struggling to understand. Scheduled to hit the market in late 2017, the Model 3 is purported to be Tesla’s smaller, lighter, cheaper electric vehicle, sitting at around $35,000. At that price point, the US market is going to dive headfirst into electric, as a Gigafactory will build lithium-ion cells and batteries for the car. It couldn’t come at a better time, because this world needs something new.
Tesla’s Model 3 was mapped by virtual reality producer Samantha Storr in her AtlasChart Top 5. Read her full FutureHero interview.
Samantha is the Executive Producer behind Vrse and has realised the visions of Terry Gilliam, Chris Milk, Spike Jonze and Robert Redford.
Project leader
Elon Musk, CEO
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