Software democratising sustainability

Australia (Sydney)

Becoming carbon neutral is not just for the big organisations, but it can be a challenge to find the resources to make the transition to more sustainable practices for small to medium enterprises. That’s where NetNada steps in.


As we’ve seen before at Atlas, one of the challenges of reducing your carbon footprint is knowing what it is in the first place! But tracking carbon footprint is a complex, and sometimes expensive, process.

NetNada team

That’s why we were excited to find NetNada, an environmental technology company that uses machine learning and AI to automate environmental consulting. Their aim is to make sustainable good practices accessible for everyone, and particularly for small to medium enterprises (SMEs). They feel that every business should be able to access fast, affordable and accurate sustainability data so they can stay in business while benefitting their people and the planet.

But how does it work? It all starts with an upload. Businesses put their operational expenditure to the test through NetNada’s secure platform and NetNada returns a detailed analysis of where a business emits CO2. They connect the NetNada account with Xero, an online double entry accounting software for businesses with up to 100 employees. A feature of the accounting software includes invoice management, bank reconciliation, bookkeeping, and more, and NetNada uses this information to get attributed carbon footprint factors that can calculate a business’ carbon footprint and sustainability performance.

NetNada co-founder Afonso Firmo at the Sustainability Expo in 2021.

NetNada starts with accounting because, as they argue, with every action and purchase there are associated carbon emissions. By tracking and analysing each of these expenses they can quickly work out where carbon emissions can be cut. NetNada then works with businesses to improve both their bottom line and their sustainability, always looking for solutions to emissions before seeking carbon offsetting.

This fast process allows businesses to get stuck into reducing their emissions, without lengthy consultation and assessment processes. NetNada explains that having the numbers (and automating it into a quick process) enables organisations to have the confidence that they are giving attention to the areas that need the most work, while freeing up time to focus on communicating and working internally to make meaningful change.

Co-founders and entrepreneurs Afonso Firmo and Lochie Burke had both worked in the sustainability space for many years, starting a number of initiatives in Australia and overseas, before realising that their complementary skills could be brought together. Afonso studied environmental engineering and after graduating had his own business in the sustainability space, while Lochie started a drone company and went on to set up an environmental conservation charity before moving back to Australia. Their enthusiasm for sustainability, technology and creating solutions that could both contribute to a better world and be financially viable, led them to work together.

NetNada co-founders Afonso Firmo and Lochie Burke.

Starting from the testing of a prototype with users, in less than 2 years NetNada has iterated into a resource that can onboard thousands of clients and expand the reach of sustainable solutions for SMEs.

As Lochie explains, they are trying to provide actionable insights and gamify sustainability so that it’s at the front and centre of people’s minds (and actions) rather than hidden away in yearly reports. The platform creates ongoing calculations that continuously analyse the carbon footprint using accounting data and utility bills. As the accounting software updates so does the data, allowing businesses to get feedback as they implement changes and track that against reduction strategies.

AtlasAction: Book a demo to see how it works or trial it for free. Alternatively, you can keep updated on their work via Facebook.

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Written by

Claire Rosslyn Wilson, Editor, Atlas of the Future (07 February 2023)

Project leader

Afonso Firmo and Lochie Burke, Co-founders

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