As part of Civic Square’s Department of Dreams project, on 22 June 2020 we will be offering a half day of talks during the Re_Festival: focused on hope for a collective brighter future.
In each session you will hear about their work and have an opportunity to ask questions and be part of the discussion about what it means to live in the ‘Department of Dreams’: doing the work today for the reimagined, redesigned and recreated future we need for tomorrow.

A full Atlas of the Future afternoon takeover
Register for free here to meet the artists, innovators, educators and creators who put care for our communities and our planet at their heart. Check out the full schedule and meet the speakers:
► 1-1.10pm Introduction
Atlas of the Future: adventures in a better tomorrow

Your host for the day: Atlas of the Future co-founder Cathy Runciman
► 1.10-1.45 How fashion can put the planet first: Earth Logic
Professors Kate Fletcher (Sustainability, Design, Fashion at the Centre for Sustainable Fashion, London) and Mathilda Tham (Design + Change at Linnaeus University, Sweden)

The never less-than-radical Kate & Mathilda
Co-founders of the Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion, Kate and Mathilda have issued an urgent call to the fashion sector: to put earth first, pledging loyalty to the planet before industry, business and economic growth. Journey through the six landscapes of Earth Logic and how you can be part of the vital transformation of our broken fashion system, on behalf of all living species.
► 1.50-2.25pm Building a better food system: food, farming and the feminine economy
Abby Rose, co-creator, Farmerama and co-founder, Vidacycle and Kimberley Bell, baker and founder, Small Food Bakery

Abby started farming in Chile over 10 years ago
How can businesses that produce, make or sell food contribute to both thriving communities and flourishing soils through their design, practices and behaviours. Abby and Kim, two pioneering advocates of regenerative food and farming practices, consider what a food business can be, what regenerative retail looks like and how to build ecology, profitability and beauty.
► 2.30-3.05pm The women shaping diverse green and black cities
Zakiya Mckenzie, nature lover and writer and Jasmine Ketibuah-Foley, broadcast journalist, Black & Green

The environmental activists want you to get outside
“The way we speak about nature and people of colour is totally wrong” –but Zakiya, Jazz and their fellow Black & Green Ambassadors in Bristol are changing this, by addressing the exclusion of black and minority ethnic communities in environmental efforts. Learn about their work to raise awareness about the benefits of visiting local natural spaces and research why there is a disconnect with green issues.
► 3.10-3.45 Taking theatre out of the theatre
Rhiannon White and Evie Manning, Co-founders, Common Wealth

Rhiannon and Evie, co-founders of Common Wealth theatre collective
Common Wealth theatre collective breathes creative life into stories that need retelling by those who experienced them. This is theatre as radical activism – that breaks the middle class mould, and celebrates the stories-less-told. Meet Common Wealth’s co-founders and hear about their community-wide project in Wales and plan to transform a Bradford home into a new space for theatre.
► 3.45-4pm Closing discussion